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A proposed law requiring Illinois colleges to offer income-sharing agreements to students stalled in the state legislature.

The bill would mandate that public universities provide income-sharing agreements (ISAs) as an alternative to student loans. ISAs tie tuition payments to a portion of graduates’ future earnings for a set period of time. Proponents argue they provide more affordable and flexible financing options, while critics argue they could limit career choices and be complex to implement.

The Illinois Senate Executive Committee declined to advance the bill, effectively ending its chances this legislative session. Committee chairman Cristina Castro said there were too many unanswered questions about how ISAs would work in practice.

“We want to make sure students have choices, but we want to make sure those choices are well thought out and protect students,” Castro said. Committee members also raised concerns over whether ISAs comply with federal financial aid regulations and how they might impact university finances.

Supporters argue ISAs expand access, control costs, reduce debt burdens and provide value-aligned incentives, especially for lower-income or first-generation students. But concerns exist around limiting career mobility, penalizing those with lower lifetime earnings, compliance issues andbad actor risk. There are reasonable arguments on multiple sides of this issue, with complex factors to balance.

A handful of pilots are underway testing ISAs, but no U.S. public universities have adopted them as a mainstream offering yet. Proponents say more flexibility and experimentation are needed, while critics argue risks currently outweigh rewards before broad implementation. Reasonable people can disagree on the appropriate path forward here with many trade-offs to consider.

The debate highlights broader issues around student debt, access to opportunity, regulation of innovative ideas and the roles/powers of universities. But practical challenges, not philosophy, appear to have stalled progress on this bill. By addressing concerns substantively, evaluating lessons from existing pilots and starting with targeted programs, ISAs could potentially garner more support over time.

For now, ISAs remain an idea still seeking proof of concept at scale in U.S. higher education. But this debate is not over, as innovators work to build evidence, allay fears and shape these novel financing options into viable solutions. And Illinois could revisit requiring or enabling ISAs again in the future if reasoning prevails. There are good arguments on multiple sides of this issue with many complex factors to balance. The path forward is not clear-cut.

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